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What to expect:
  • Fun and impressive circus tricks with a range of props
  • Individual activities
  • Partner and group tricks
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Focus on the circus toys you love
  • Feel awesome when you master the skills!
  • Learn how to make your own props to further develop your skills at home.

Duration: 60-120min classes. Shorter sessions for multi-activity bookings, eg. Fun Day

Space required:
Indoor hall, community room or large classroom with furniture removed. Outdoor space is suitable for some activities. Small gymnastics mats are required for acrobalance.

Equipment: Small gymnastics mats are required for acrobalance. We provide all the other equipment.

Group size:
Up to 25. Larger groups will require 2 FunFit teachers

Kinder to Year 12

What to wear:
Comfortable clothing

What to bring:
A water bottle and your clown persona if you have one!

From $225

All classes are run by qualified instructors who hold a current Working With Children check. FunFit have Public Liability insurance.

Download Links to the School Curriculum
Our circus classes develop the following fundamental areas:
  • motor skills
  • coordination
  • agility
  • balance
  • core stability
  • muscular endurance and strength
  • flexibility
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • confidence
  • teamwork
  • collaboration
  • body awareness
  • creativity and expression
  • performance skill


  • Involves keeping 2 or more objects in the air at a time
  • Improves concentration
  • Increases hand-eye coordination
  • Learn the fundamental skills behind juggling
  • We use both colourful juggling balls and juggling scarves.


Hula Hooping

  • More than just spinning a hula hoop on your waist!
  • Learn multiple tricks with the hoop on and off the body
  • Try our professional circus hoops
  • Builds fitness and coordination
  • Gives your abdominal muscles a great workout!


Spinning Plates

  • Learn how to get the plate spinning on the stick
  • Be challenged with a range of tricks to try whilst spinning the plate
  • Work individually and with a partner or group
  • Improves fine motor skills and concentration.



  • An adaptation of the Maori Poi Dance in New Zealand
  • This prop is like a ball in a long sock and you hold one in each hand
  • Learn to swing them around in graceful patterns
  • Learn individual and partner skills
  • Combine the skills into a sequence.



  • Work with a partner or group to form fun balances
  • Learn partner counter-weight balances
  • Experience more complex group balances, eg. human pyramids
  • Encourages teamwork, trust, confidence and communication.



  • A diabolo looks like two cones joined at their points
  • You hold two sticks joined together with string and spin the diablo on the string
  • Learn to spin, throw and catch the diablo plus other cool tricks!
  • Recommended for ages 8+.



  • A martial-arts based prop that is also a fire spinning prop
  • Don’t worry, we don’t teach kids how to spin with fire!
  • Learn different ways of spinning the staff while holding it
  • Balance the staff on different body parts
  • Develops coordination, strength, motor skills and balance.



  • Anyone can be a clown, you don’t need to have a painted face and fuzzy hair
  • Learn about character development
  • Play drama / physical theatre games
  • Let your individual personality come out and play
  • Develop creativity and confidence
  • Prepare to giggle a lot!


Active Bodies, Healthy Lifestyle

We believe it is important to increase the awareness of a healthy body and active lifestyle at the grassroots level and allow students to express themselves creatively through discovering new individual activities that work for them.

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